Sunday, April 15, 2007

Thanks a lot, doyle.

As if pretty much being the main reason the Devils didn't make the playoffs wasn't enough, frank doyle caused the Devils to lose their final game this season.

Doyle surrendered 2 PPGs :45 apart in the 2nd, but David Clarkson (20th from Rod Pelley and Ryan Murphy) and Rod Pelley (17th from Olli Malmivaara and Clarkson) forced the game into OT. Then they lost. Yeah, doyle had 39 saves and everything, but seriously. And the refs were makign crap calls too. Mark Fraser got pulled down in the 3rd and there wasn't even a whistle on the play, and Pelley was knocked down right before the sharks scored the game winner. So it was all Doyle's fault. So no more Lowell till October. That makes me really sad. I think I'm gonna go cry now.

3 STARS (just mine again cuz I don't like the ones they picked):
#3- Ryan Murphy
#2- David Clarkson
#1- Rod Pelley

Like I said, no more Lowell Devils till October. So to end their season, a big SCREW YOU goes to frank doyle. I dont' care how well he played last season, he sucked this season.

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