So, that was a rather uneventful 1st period. No penalties, no goals, nothing. Cam Janssen tried to get at one guy quite a few times, but the refs are lame, so that didn't happen. But Marty Brodeur had some pretty amazing saves, until now, when he decided to let them score. Damn sabres. I need to think of a nasty name for them..Pardon me while I do so.
[edit] Oohhh, a power play!! Let's hope we can score on it. I don't like it when we lose. Not at all. Especially when we're tied with the penguimps.
[edit] Nothing on the power play. Big surprise there. Come on, Devils. Especially you, Mr. Parise. Make your daddy proud.
[edit] Nice save(s) by Brodeur. And way to get a 4-on-4, Clarkson. Well, at least it's not power play for the sabs. And now, I'm in shock. Not because of Clarkson in the box, but because of the 2 goals in 2 games for snott gomez. Crap. Didn't see that coming. (Assists from Patrik Elias and Brian Raflaski)
[edit] In other news, the Lowell Devils are winning 3-1, almost at the end of the second, with goals from Ryan Murphy, Grant Marshall (funny how they were just talking about him), and Stephen Gionta. Keep it up, guys.
[edit] Man, the sabres must really hate Rasmussen. I swear, half of the Devils' shots must have been from him. White had quite a few shots too.
[edit] Uh oh. gomez to the box. I hope they don't do what they did last night, where he scores, get a penalty like 2 minutes later, and then the other team gets a PPG. If it does, trust me, he's not gonna be too happy.
[edit] Huh. Lowell had 20 shots when the 2nd intermission started. I just checked the site like a minute ago, and it's still the intermission, but they now have 5 more shots, and the Falcons have 17, as opposed to the 15 they had before. Go figure. And nice power play kill for the Devils.
[edit] Note to ryan miller: I'd like you a whole lot more if you would ket the Devils score some more, mmmk? Trust me, you want me to like you. I have connections to Good Charlotte.
[edit] Perfect timing, much?? I just started listening to the Lowell game, and as soon as I put it on, Rod Pelley scored, fom Chris Minard and Barry Tallackson. So I'm excited. I know he's not exactly a favorite with the bug guys, but I really like him. 4-1, Lowell, about 4 minutes into the 3rd.
[edit] Aww, man, a PPG for the Falcons..4-2, Lowell, tho. That's good. But I did like the 4-1 lead better.
[edit] And a note to..someone (sorry, I can't remember his name): Don't mess with Tomas Harant, or Mark Fraser will be all over you like..wait, that's too dirty. But I think you get the picture..
[edit] ^^ the guy's last name is Baby. HAHA!!
[edit] MARTY!! you suck harder then my little sister!! It's like the gomez curse. He wasn't in the box, but almost every time he scores, the next goal is by the other team.
[edit] well, the Devils are losing, but Lowell won 4-2. That's good. But I hope the Devils can do the same.
[edit] Ok, Marty, you SUCK. Seriously. Stop dreaming about your sister in law, and do your job. In case you weren't aware of this, we kinda need to win.
[edit] Thank you, Paul Martin!! 3-2 now, with Martin's goal from Zach Parise and Travis Zajac. Whoo!!
[edit] Ok, sabres, I know you all got aids from screwing your dads, but please, don't take it out on us. And all I have to say is bye, bye, division title.
[edit] I hate the sabres. And the penguimps. A lot. And seriously, every time someone has they're family at the game and Doc's talking about it every freaking seecond, we lose. He's like world's biggest jinx. Sigh..and the Devils don't even get an awesome picture this time..But Lowell does.
Yeah, I'm not feeling very creative.
[final edit] Great..I missed Zach Parise's goal (from Zajac and gomez) because my dad decided he didn't want to watch the last 5 seconds. GRR!! But, on the bright side, Zajac's point scoring streak is now 7 games which is the longest one for rookies.
My 3 stars?:
3- Patrik Elias (only because I hate gomez)
2- Travis Zajac
1- Zach Parise
now I have a problem with the actual ones. I mean, someone on the sabs gets the #2 star because they has 2 assists. Uhm, so did Zajac and gomez, and Parise had a goal and an assist, and none of that is star worthy? Yeah, ok. I told you, they all hate us.