[edit] WHOO!! Goal numero 30 for Mr. Zach Parise, from Travis Zajac and Sergei Brylin!! See what you missed by passing that stud muffin up, you stuid islanders?
Oh yeah.. Erik Rasmussen is playing..YAYY!!
Zajac and Elias got one, so why not Parise?
[edit] Oohh, that must of hurt. gotta watch that net, Jamie. seriously. I love Jamie, but how many times has he crashed into the net in the last couple games?
[edit] Well, now seems like a good time to mention it, since Doc must have said the Devils are doing a great job defensively about a million times , but I emailed Stan Fishler, asking if he knew/had an idea when Richard Matvichuk will play his one game to make him eligible for the playoffs. His response?:
[edit] That was a very nice save by Brodeur, dontcha think? I do.
[insert awesome picture of Brodeur with an equally as awesome quote thing that i'm too lazy to make]
[edit] Man, so close, Patrik. He may have missed, but I'm still very happy he's back. Like, more happier then I should be.
[edit] Aww, man, an intermission. Don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. And during this lame intermission (I HATE versus), I'll be making some awesome pictures with awesome quote type things for you to enjoy.
[edit] Game's back, I'm back. Isn't that amazing, how that works? anyway, here's that awesome picture I promised. it's lame, but, then again, so am I. And that's islanders 0 (it's not functioning properly for me)
[edit] Am I crazy, or did Scott Gomez actually score? Actually, it's both. But good for him. And the Devils. It's now 2-0. Elias and Oduya got the assists, if you care.
[edit] Ok, that was not a nice save by Dunham or what ever his name is. It was mean.
[edit] Thanks, gomez! Another PP for the craplanders. At least he actually scored.
[edit] Screw that. gomez, you suck. Like that's news to anyone.
[edit] At least we have the PP now. Hopefully we can do something with it like last time. But I still hate gomez.
[edit] Yet another useless power play for the devils..sigh..
[edit] Come on, guys, I know you're trying, but Marty can't do everything. Well, actually, he probably could, but don't make him.
[edit] End of the second already?! Time flies when you're..doing stuff..haha I edited this crap a lot..I really need a life..
[edit] Sorry about the delay, but my mom stole the computer from me during what seemed like the longest intermission ever. Anyway, goal number 3 for rookie David Clarkson, his 2nd power play goal, from Jamie Langenbrunner and Brian Rafalski, soo now it's 3-1. Dunham was crying over the goal and was replaced by another goalie from the craplander's seemingly endless supply of them.
[insert picture of Clarkson scoring/celebrating with some awesome quote cuz i cant find a good picture to use]
[edit] Seriously, craplanders, go screw your moms. Oh, wait! You all have 2 dads!!
I'm sorry, but I couldn't resist. And I didn't mean for that to be offensive to anyone.
[edit] You know, I noticed something. Doc seems to be the biggest jinx for the Devils, ever. It's crazy. Everytime he says something about how well we're playing or whatever, the other team scores. Plus, I don't think we ever lost when he wasn't doing the commentary. And another thing, I hatehatehatehatehateHATE versus. Their commercials suck more then the channel.
[edit] The Devils won!! Who would have guessed? I wouldn't have. And now we not only tied with the pits yet again, leaving us in second still, we clinched a playoff shot. That's about as good as it gets. Now if only sidney crosby and sean avery would disappear off the face of the earth, I'd be set. Gimme a couple minutes, and you'll get an awesome picture. Either that, or you'll get one tomorrow after the game.
[final edit] I found one good picture of Clarkson to use, but my computer is mentally challenged, so yeah..hopefully I'll get it to work right soon.